AIGA is a big part of who we are as designers. We have been an active member of AIGA since our freshman year of college. Last year we became the Programming Director of AIGA Wisconsin. As part of this role, we branded the Madison Mentor Program, one of the students’ most beneficial programs. Each semester we pair up design professionals and students from the local college programs. They are paired based on their interests and style.

Name tags are an important piece in most event branding. For this event, it was important that everyone had a name tag and we were able to tell who was a student and who was a mentor. By creating these tags we were quickly able to tell who’s who.

Along with the bright colorful promotions, we also needed some black and white graphics to print for our event. With the cost of color printing, having black and white alternatives that follow the branding is great for signs and handouts. Above you’ll see how the brand is still recognizable event without the bright colors.

We even branded our map for the newsletter. It shows a visual of the map as well as what the outside of the building looks like. You always want your attendees to find the event easily!

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