How much do you charge?
We don’t display our pricing online because each project is unique. We also want to talk with you before we provide a price so we know what you’re looking for. We will do our best to provide a quote for you and most projects are billed hourly. Keep in mind, a professional graphic designer is an investment in making your business grow. The price you pay now will definitely pay off!
What’s the process like?
If you’re looking for our design process, head to our about page, we talk about that there. If you want the logistics, here you go: We’ll likely start with discussing the project details and narrowing down what you want/need. Once we’ve got a plan of action, Sprout will put together a quote and contract for you to sign. You will need to sign the contract and mail to us with a 50% down payment. (We will not begin working on any projects until the deposit and signed contract is in hand.)
Final payment is due prior to sending out any final finals and/or launching your website.
For on-going work, such as social media and other retainer projects, you will be billed monthly.
After the process is complete, we wish you the best and look forward to working together soon.
Have you done anything we may have seen before?
Good question, do you have any babies? Our most wide-spread project is for NUK-USA, where we had the opportunity to design packaging and bottle graphics. Our designs are being sold in Babie’s R Us, Target, Wal-mart, and more. Check out our NUK portfolio page for all the details.
We don’t see your phone number online. How do we call you?
We don’t put our phone number on our website because we don’t like getting spam or sales calls all day. We also prefer that email is our main form of communication. This is easier for us to track tasks, projects, and revisions. If there’s something you’d like to talk about over the phone, no problem, we’ll just set up an appointment. Email us at [email protected] to get the ball rolling.